Friday, October 24, 2014

Fall into New Reads Giveaway!

Ten New Adult and Young Adult authors team together to bring readers some hot new reads this fall season. So while the weather’s cooling down, your e-reader is just warming up! Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for a chance to WIN a $10.00 Amazon gift card and an eBook prize pack from one of the featured authors. The eBook prize packs are showcased next to each author's bio. Enjoy, and good luck!  

Featured authors:

International Bestselling Author Mary Ting/M. Clarke resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Writing her first novel, Crossroads Saga, happened by chance. It was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother, and inspired by a dream she once had as a young girl. When she started reading new adult novels, she fell in love with the genre. It was the reason she had to write one-Something Great. Get updates from Mary Ting by signing up for her newsletter here. GIVEAWAY eBooks: FROM GODS, CROSSROADS, SOMETHING GREAT & MY CLARITY.

Bella's motto has always been that you can choose to watch life pass you by or your can be the one spinning the world. You have to get out and live, life won't come to you! Bella has always seen things in the world with a different view and has been an avid story-teller. She is enjoying putting her crazy musings into print for others to enjoy. To her, one of the most exciting parts of writing is getting a chance to interact with readers. To stay current on new releases please consider joining Bella’s mailing list here. GIVEAWAY eBooks: The INK Series. 

 Amelie Howard grew up on a small Caribbean island where she spent most of her childhood with her nose buried in a book or being a tomboy running around barefoot, shimmying up mango trees and dreaming of adventure. 22 countries, surfing with sharks and several tattoos later, she has traded in bungee jumping in China for writing the adventures she imagines instead. She isn't entirely convinced which takes more guts. Stay connected to Amalie and receive current updates by “liking” Amalie’s Facebook page here. GIVEAWAY eBooks: SEA MONSTER & THE ALMOST GIRL.

Kristie Cook is a lifelong, award-winning writer in various genres, from marketing communications to fantasy fiction. She continues to write the Soul Savers Series, a New Adult paranormal romance/contemporary fantasy, with the first five books, Promise, Purpose, Devotion, Power and Wrath available now. Besides writing, Kristie enjoys reading, cooking, traveling and riding on the back of a motorcycle. Keep uptodate on Kristie’s books and news by “liking” her Facebook page here. GIVEAWAY eBooks: The Book of Phoenix Series.

Raine Thomas is the award-winning author of bestselling Young Adult and New Adult fiction. Known for character-driven stories that inspire the imagination, Raine recently signed with multiple award-winning producer Chase Chenowith of Back Fence Productions to bring her popular Daughters of Saraqael trilogy to the big screen. She's a proud indie author who is living the dream. For more updates on Raine and her books, sign up for her newsletter here. GIVEAWAY eBooks: The Ascendant Series: books 1 & 2.

From an early age, Trisha Wolfe dreamed up fantasy worlds and characters and was accused of talking to herself. Today, she lives in South Carolina with her family and writes full time, using her fantasy worlds as an excuse to continue talking to herself. To keep in touch and receive updates on sales and new books, sign up for Trisha’s newsletter here.
GIVEAWAY eBooks: THE DARKEST PART & LOSING TRACK: first & second novels in the Living Heartwood NA Contemp series.

Allie Juliette Mousseau writes sexy, emotionally-charged New Adult and Adult Romance in a variety of genres and temperatures. Allie Juliette also creates captivating YA worlds through the magic of ink. She can always be found writing, playing in puddles with her children, hiking with her husband, or adventuring somewhere in the world. Stay up to date on Allie’s new releases by signing up for her newsletter here.

I write fiction for teens and adults and teach writing and literature at a university in San Antonio, where I live with my husband, three kids, and two dogs. I'm also an avid reader. I've always said I never want to give up reading for writing or vice versa. I want to do both. Keep in touch with Eva Pohler and receive updates on new releases by signing up for current updates here.
GIVEAWAY eBooks:  The Gatekeeper's Saga & The Purgatorium Series Book 1 & 2.

Cambria Hebert is a bestselling novelist of more than twenty books. She went to college for a bachelor's degree, couldn't pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently resides in North Carolina with her children (human and furry) and her husband, who is a United States Marine. Besides writing, Cambria loves a caramel latte, staying up late, sleeping in, and watching movies. Get updates of Cambria’s sales and new release by signing up for her updates here. GIVEAWAY eBooks: Take it Off Series.

Alexandrea Weis is an advanced practice registered nurse who was born and raised in New Orleans. Having been brought up in the motion picture industry, she learned to tell stories from a different perspective and began writing at the age of eight. Infusing the rich tapestry of her hometown into her award-winning novels, she believes that creating vivid characters makes a story memorable. A permitted/certified wildlife rehabber with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Weis rescues orphaned and injured wildlife. She lives with her husband and pets in New Orleans. Stay connected to Alexandrea and get current updates on her books by “liking’ her Facebook page here. GIVEAWAY eBooks: THE BONDAGE CLUB & COVER TO COVERS.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pick up FOR EVERLY by Raine Thomas for just 99 cents until 10/12!


**This is a New Adult novel recommended for ages 16+.

Determined to overcome a dark and tragic past, college student Everly Wallace is only months away from earning her degree in physical therapy. She’s consumed with school, caring for her ailing grandfather, and figuring out how to pay the next bill. The last thing she wants is a relationship, but it just might be the one thing she needs.

Major League pitcher Cole Parker hasn’t fought for anything in his life. He went from a privileged upbringing to a multimillion dollar All-Star career. But when his pitching shoulder starts to give him trouble at only twenty-four years old, he faces the possibility of his injury becoming public knowledge and costing him everything.

In a desperate bid to save his career, Cole decides to hire someone to treat his injury, someone who will keep things off the record and out of the media. He finds the perfect solution in Everly. As mysterious as she is beautiful, she provides an enticing distraction from his pain. Soon, physical therapy is the last thing on his mind.

When an act of betrayal brings the truths they both fear to light, Cole will have to fight for the first time in his life…not just for his career, but for Everly’s love.

Buy Links:

Amazon * Amazon UK * B&N * iBooks * Kobo 


“I know you’re not seeking any romantic connections right now, Everly,” Wyatt interrupted, giving Cole a quelling look. “We’re here in a strictly professional capacity.”

Now she looked more at ease. “I see. Are you seeking a consultation over Cole’s rotator cuff injury?”

Cole stiffened. He glared at Wyatt.

“I haven’t told her a thing,” Wyatt said with raised palms.

“You didn’t have to say anything,” she said with a shrug, leaning back against Rowan’s desk. Her keen gaze met Cole’s. “I noticed that you favored your left hand throughout your meal, using it to drink, eat, and bring your napkin to your mouth, but you’re a right-handed pitcher. And just now, when you moved to clear space on the couch, you stopped breathing and swallowed hard when you moved your right arm, telling me you’re hiding pain and have a reduced range of motion.”

His mouth opened over her observations. He looked again at Wyatt. His brother gave him a look that said, See?

“But how do you know it’s a rotator cuff injury?” Cole asked. Could other people see what she did? If so, he was so screwed.

“That, I’ll admit, was an educated guess based on your age and profession,” she answered. “I’ve only observed your symptoms and haven’t done any scans or tests to confirm. You’ll want to rule out bursitis, tendonitis, adhesive capsulitis, and other possible causes of your shoulder pain, of course.”

Despite what he’d seen this evening and his brother’s assurances, Cole was surprised by Everly’s quick assessment. She looked like she should be out club-hopping, not spouting medical jargon with such an intent expression on her face.

He also realized, since she knew his profession, that she had known who he was the moment she saw him. So why hadn’t she mentioned that before now? Maybe she wasn’t a fan.

“We’ve had scans done,” Wyatt said. “X-rays, an MRI—the whole load.”

He moved over to the desk. Everly stepped to the side as Wyatt reached over to retrieve the large manila envelope resting there. She hit Cole’s leg and nearly toppled onto his lap. Out of instinct, he reached out to help her maintain her balance. His hands ended up on her nicely shaped rear end.

She sprang away like a gazelle fleeing a lion. When she turned to look at him, he realized her cheeks were nearly as red as her hair. Her reaction went a long way toward putting him back on an even keel.

“I don’t bite,” he said with a grin. “Come and have a seat.”

He patted the cushion beside him. She looked at it warily, then moved her gaze to him. He patted the cushion again. Her lips moved on a whispered comment of some kind as she stepped around his legs and sat down. It was a small victory, but he felt better.

When he turned to look at her, he caught her scent, a unique fragrance that reminded him of whipped vanilla cream and frosted wildberries. She met his gaze. The combination of her nearness, her scent, and the cautious look in her lovely eyes had his whole body reacting.

Oh, this was such a bad idea.

Author Bio:
Raine Thomas is the award-winning author of bestselling Young Adult and New Adult fiction. Known for character-driven stories that inspire the imagination, Raine recently signed with multiple award-winning producer Chase Chenowith of Back Fence Productions to bring her popular Daughters of Saraqael trilogy to the big screen. She's a proud indie author who is living the dream. When she isn't writing or glued to e-mail or social networking sites, Raine can usually be found vacationing with her husband and daughter on one of Florida's beautiful beaches or crossing the border to visit with her Canadian friends and relatives.

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