We are beyond thrilled to have Rose Garcia come and share some of her tips with us.To celebrate we are giving away 2 ebook copies of Rose Garcia's Final Life.

5 Things on Writing
Start. Now.
writing community
Be true to yourself and the story
goals and make a writing schedule
what happens AFTER you finish?
1. Start. Now. Too
many people who want to write put it off for various reasons: school is almost over and I’ll be
busy with the kids this summer, my office is a mess, I need to finish xyz
project at work, I don’t know if I can do it, will anyone buy my book? Get out of your own way and just write!
2. Okay, now that
you’re writing, you’re probably figuring out that it’s harder than it seems.
LOL Here’s where you’ll need to get
connected with your local writing community.
Most writers groups offer seminars on the craft of writing. You can also
find some great online webinars. I highly suggest Writer’s Digest.
3. Write what you
love, and not to the trends. Be true to yourself and the story that’s inside of
you. I promise if you do, the story will flow out of you much easier than if
you forced a story onto the page.
4. So, now that
you’re writing, and you’re connected with the writing community, and you’re
true to yourself, you may find that you’re all over the place with your
writing. THIS IS NORMAL! But to see real progress, you might want to set some
goals and make a writing schedule. I’m
slated to release the third book in my YA trilogy in the fall and you better
believe I have a schedule!
5. In my opinion, the
hardest part about writing is what happens AFTER you finish. In other words,
you may have slain the dragon, but the battle isn’t over yet! In other other
words, writing is more like a marathon and less like a sprint, which leads me
to my five tips on editing.
5 Things on Editing
1. Remember up above
when I recommended that you get involved in your local writing group? Well,
here’s where you’ll find your critique partner, and trust me when I say that
you need one. This can’t be a friend who likes to read, or a family member you
swear will help you with your book. You need someone who knows and understands
the craft of writing and isn’t afraid to give you honest and constructive
feedback. Your writing will be better
for it.
2. There are four main types of editing:
developmental, line editing, copy editing, and proofreading. Your critique
partner can and should be able to help you to some degree with all of these,
but let me briefly touch on the most important type of editing: developmental. (See below) Oh, and if you don’t think you
need editing, then you’re not being honest with yourself. (Sorry!)
3. Developmental
editing is the type of editing that involves things like plot, pacing, voice, and
character development. This type of editing is BEYOND important. And sometimes
digging into this type of editing may mean heavy revisions. Don’t be afraid to
chop up your manuscript in order to make it better!
4. Line editing, copy
editing, and proofreading focuses on everything BUT the broad story scope of
your book. So here is where you’ll pay attention to grammar, punctuation, word
usage, and misspelled words. This editing is important, too, but you can’t even
get to this type of editing until you address and/or fix the issues that have
arisen during developmental editing.
5. If you get to the
point where your critique partner is not giving you the level of help you need,
or maybe you need a second opinion, there are many great editors out there for
hire. Just be sure to get referrals from people you trust because not all
editors are created equal. LOL
5 Things on marketing
1. Large press, small
press, indie published, or barely published, every writer should be marketing!
At the most basic level, I suggest you have an author personal FB account, an
author FB page, Twitter, Pinterest, and even Instagram. You will interact with
a slightly different audience on each platform, so don’t fool yourself in
thinking all you need is FB and Twitter, because you don’t! LOL (Oh, and you’ll
also want a website and/or blog.)
2. For Twitter and
FB, you can schedule your posts, and I highly recommend Hootsuite. You can also
post to Instagram and at the same time to FB and Twitter. However, be sure to pop in and do some real
interacting from time to time. People can tell the difference.
3. Don’t spend too
much time on social media and marketing! It can be a real time sucker! Remember
the schedule I mentioned earlier? I highly recommend you include marketing on
that schedule.
4. Develop
relationships with fellow writers! That way you can support them and in turn
they will support you. It really is true that the more you do for others, the
more they’ll do for you.
5. Have fun with
marketing! Interacting with readers and writers should be a positive
experience! If it’s a chore, take a step back. Remember that marketing really
is another way of making friends. Then, rejoin the party!
Thanks for having me
on the blog! I hope I’ve been able to help everyone out with their goals and
where everyone is with their writing. After all, we truly are in this
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Rose Garcia
YA Author
Creator of the Transhuman Chronicles